The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 66: Nenji Ogata 6

That’s right, it’s finally time to revisit Nenji now that you bastards are no longer in control. And it only took… over thirty updates! Only time will tell if this will be a good-spirited act of generosity, or the actions of a fool giving a bunch of addicts their fix...

Chapter 66: Nenji Ogata 6

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

Consider All In My Head

It’s all some big dream in my head? This Kisaragi, and that Fuyusaka, and Wajima… None of them are real?

Consider Key

(So this key’s a program that’s calling the kaiju out. Except I’m just gonna see it as a normal-ass key, I guess.)

Consider D-Command

(So the world’s gonna end… And it’s all ‘cause of these fifteen people. ‘Cause they’re sendin’ out this command to the kaiju… If he’s right, I’m one of those people too…)

I didn’t… I didn’t cross a line, did I?

Could you not ignore me?

This Tomi simulacrum seems legitimately kind of upset here. Makes me feel bad.

Use All In My Head on Tomi Kisaragi

You’re just some ghost of her in my brain.

Is your head okay? Did you eat something bad?

Awww, don’t mistreat the fake Tomi, Nenji! It’s not her fault she’s a lie!

Nenji just wants to get away and think for a second. Unfortunately, only one thing awaits us over to the left…

Well, technically like five things. I fudged the numbers there and counted all of Wajima and his cronies as one because they’re legally obligated to appear as a full unit, sorry.

Ogata. Most punchable face in the city.

Use All In My Head on Takemi Wajima

This asshole looks as real as he ever did…
The hell are you muttering about? Hey!

Ha, Nenji is just so done.

What’s your problem? Forgot how to talk, dumbass? Or maybe you just never had the balls to fight, coward.

Who the hell’re you? Stay out of this.

Heh… Ain’t that the saddest shit. Gotta have your girl rescue you.

Listen up. No more warnings. If you ever talk shit on Kuri High again… You know what’s gonna happen.
*pained groan*

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

This place… it’s what I remember from that day.
Are you okay?

We had a big fight… Ended up splittin’ off…

Those guys aren’t worth your time, okay?

Third train’s already gone… They’re gonna show up any second now…

Music: Time Drain (Rikako Watanabe)

Not this time, from the looks of things.
…So put me back. That’s how this goes, right?
You realize your life is at stake here. I suggest you take this seriously.

Wait, why’s the clock animation still happening? We know it’s not really a time loop!

Maybe you’ve got a point.

…What’s wrong?

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

I know that literally every single time we go confront Wajima it results in the unceremonious end of the loop, but… hey, maybe this time’ll be different! Besides, we got a new keyword! Time to rub it on everything!

Ogata. Most punchable face in the city.

Use Dissing Nagakuri on Takemi Wajima

You think I’d sneak around talkin’ shit behind your backs? If I got somethin’ to say, I say it to your face, or just punch you.
What the hell…?
If I’m lyin’ here, then I’ll let you take a free swing at me. All I wanna know… is who you heard that rumor from.
Well, uh… that’d be…

That’s gotta be Teru…
No, man, you were the one who said it!

Well, that solves that problem.

Time to finally head to the right.

Iori’s still here, but something’s… missing…


Who are you looking for?

Use All In My Head on Iori Fuyusaka

I don’t really know Fuyusaka that well. So maybe that’s it? I just got her mixed up with the school nurse…?

Use Tsukasa Okino on Iori Fuyusaka

Okino? Who’s that?
*annoyed scoff*


Where you going?

Consider Tsukasa Okino

(Looks like he got himself out… But where the hell does that leave me? If Okino’s not here, I can’t chase after him to get outta here.)

Well, let’s talk to Juro. Not like we have any better options.

Hey, it’s you.
If I remember right… You don’t take the train to school, do ya?
Guess I don’t. But who cares? I can still take the train if I want. It’s not a crime.

This how you get your kicks? Picking some random kid to bully?

Huh? That’s not a very… Juro thing to say.


Use Key on Juro Kurabe

The key to summon the kaiju.
Summoning kaiju, huh?
What, that weird…?

Okay, something’s definitely wrong with Juro.

…Now that’s weird. Last I heard, you were way into that shit…
*amused scoff*

Looks like my train’s here. Which means this conversation is over.

Why’d you run? Huh?
You’re on the wrong train, Nenji Ogata.
Doesn’t matter which one I take. Same damn thing happens anyway. I always get taken out by the kaiju.

This voice doesn’t come from Juro. No, it’s deeper…

Music: Hard Pill to Swallow (Kikuchi Yukinori)

The speaker steps out of the background…

Never figured you’d come looking to take it back…
Who the hell are you…?

He disappeared…

Oh no, you’re not getting away that easily!

…And look what she’s got. I dunno how I know, but… That’s the key. Gotta be.

Do you even know what you’ve been looking for?

Consider Key

(It’s her. Minami’s the one with the key.)

You don’t even know what this key is…

And now I know Natsuno Minami’s got it.
If you know that, then why are you on their side? You think you know what they’re gonna do with it? They can’t save anyone. Don’t trust them.

Do you have any idea what Natsuno Minami will go through?

I don’t even know who you are.

Of course you are.

A version of Juro Kurabe from another world.
What the hell…?
I’ve come to save you. That’s why I’m here. To protect her control key.

Trust me or don’t. I don’t care. Just forget about finding the key.
I can’t do that. That key’s gonna destroy the world, right?
If you let me handle this, you won’t regret it. But if they found out that Natsuno Minami has the key… You think they’d be nice about getting it out of her?

These sickos already kidnapped me and messed with my brain. Minami might end up the same way…
They might break her. Leave her like Ryoko Shinonome. Or they might just kill her. She’s a pawn in their game. Just another sacrifice.
…Think this through.

Music: Time Drain (Rikako Watanabe)

Did you find it?

Nenji seems convinced. Also, Nenji’s a good boy. :3:

I analyzed the station you’re seeing. Basically, it’s a visual representation of a kind of database. It kind of got tangled with your memories, so not everyone there will be relevant… But at least one of them has accessed the D-Code. You just need to find out who.
…Say I find this person with the key, right? What’re you gonna do to ‘em?
Do you even need to ask? I’m going to cut off the D-forces’ appearance. Once I control the commander, I control the kaiju. If that’s impossible, I’ll just destroy the control key.

Wow, Okino. Just coming right out and saying it. You’re a cold motherfucker.

Don’t worry. You’ll be free to go.
All right…
…I didn’t say this before, but… This is an inherently risky process. The more loops we do, the more stress your brain gets put under. If you don’t find it soon, I can’t promise you’ll survive.


Am I clear? You need to investigate the people on that platform closely. Let’s run it again.

One thing I’ll note now that we’re out of that scene is that the voice acting for “Juro Kurabe” there on the train platform was just kind of… off. That’s not a complaint, it’s clearly intentional and it works very well at being immediately somewhat distressing. Dude just sounds wrong. He sounds vaguely smug, even, in a way Juro never is. In particular, the delivery on “I can still take the train if I want. It’s not a crime.” is just incredibly funny.

And we get some new info about the control key.